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Homelessness among Ex-Felons is REAL !!!
Walter's Way
Resources to regaining your life

Fighting homelessness among those that have the desire to change their lives after incarceration. We do this by assisting with locating housing, stable and gainful employment and any other social services that are needed; on an individual bases.
Those services include but are not limited to:
Drug and alcohol counseling
Rehabilitation Services
Regaining family
Mental Health Services
Call for an appointment
Talk to our intake specialist - Joy Block
We have 2 locations available for Client Services.
Our South Sheridan Location:
Walter's Way Furniture Outlet - We provide furniture for those that have a need to re-establish their home lives. Providing furniture to the homeless once they receive housing.
33 S. Sheridan Road, Tulsa, OK 74105
Our North Lewis Location
Good News Ministry Walter's Way
-We provide spiritual guidance and counseling services.
2802 North Lewis Ave, Tulsa, OK 74110
Come visit any of our locations.
Walter’s Way – Regaining Your Life Foundation is committed to helping the thousands of people that are released from prison every year in Oklahoma. Thousands of these incarcerated Oklahomans are released to the streets every year, but when they are released, many ex-offenders have nowhere to live. In Tulsa, 12.3 percent of those surveyed said that jail or prison time had contributed toward their becoming homeless. Stringent parole conditions and a lack of support for those re-entering the community have created a high recidivism rate among parolees, who face exploitative fees charged by private companies and are threatened with parole revocation and re-incarceration if they cannot afford to pay. Walter’s Way is an advocate for those people that reenter society in assisting in finding adequate housing and employment. Walter’s Way challenges poverty and racial injustice, advocates for equal treatment in the criminal justice system, and creates hope for our communities.
2 Locations:
2802 North Lewis Avenue
Tulsa, OK 74110
Ministry Center
33 South Sheridan
Tulsa, OK 74112
Furniture Outlet